Friday, September 7, 2007

The first of many.

After 3 years (almost to the day) I have finished the first draft of Weathermen.
It's crazy, how little it resembles the idea that woke me up that morning and kept growing as I had my shower, the first scenes I tapped out on Zuul while working at ActewAGL or sitting up atop the Woden bus interchange while waiting for my ride home. I spent the first year chopping and changing, removing characters, removing complete scenes and twists, busting out the first three chapters. The second year was spent scrapping everything and starting yet again. Then, in the third year, I rethought my approach entirely, doubled my output and finished it all off.

Now I have to step back and rewrite it yet again, making the first chapters equivalent to the last four, making characters more real, turning it from a story into a real novel. But I've managed the first step, the biggest step.

One day I'll be published. Maybe it'll be this book, maybe the next. But I've taken the big leap.

Thanks for all the folk who've supported me during the writing; I need your help more than ever now, to edit it into something awesome. Who wants a book to read?

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