Thursday, October 18, 2007


NaNoWriMo will soon be upon us, and I'm gonna try to win it this year. For anyone who has never visited, it's a once-a-year community activity in which people try and bust out 50,000 words of a novel within the month of November. Doesn't matter if it's shit, the point is to just get it all out.

Hopefully Schneider will be collabing with me on a post-apoc story, so we'll see how it goes and keep updating here.

Till then!



Bitterly Indifferent said...

I tried last year, but washed out pretty quickly when I realized that wordcount was the ONLY thing that the system would count officially. The moment the plot started to slow down, my main character read chinese menus word for word, paged through phone books, and reviewed outdated pages of tax code with embarassing frequency.

Ruzkin said...

Yeah, it's unfortunate, but still a useful tool. My main obstacle to my writing at the moment is the lack of a daily regime (then again, I finish my first year of university today, so maybe now I have a chance to implement one.)
So you're not going to have another crack this year?

Bitterly Indifferent said...

I might. It depends on how much time I have.
Lately, I have found it more fun to write snarky reviews of dubious nonfiction than it is to write terrible fiction of my own.